Monday, September 13, 2010

The Beginning

Inspired by Julie and Julia I’ve decided to chronicle my first ever baking experience(s). How did I get into a baking you might ask? Well that is a simple yet complex story.

A few months ago I decided I would raise funds & run the Race for the Cure 5k in New Orleans. Then recently, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. I really want to do something, just anything to help. Since I couldn’t punch a cancer monster in the face (which is what I really wanted to do), my alternative:

I found this great fundraising idea: “Hold a bake sale at work!” I talked to one of my friends at work and we decided to hold twice weekly bake sales to raise funds. “Muffin Mondays” and “Cookies for the Cure”. We figured we could raise about $80-100 a week, and our company matches dollar for dollar, so we would raise at least a $1000 dollars over 6 weeks! While also raising awareness for breast cancer research, and the Race for the Cure. A great, easy, and simple idea! And a way to do something positive to help, even if just in a small way.

Obvious problem (or not so obvious to me…)

I’ve never really baked before. I bake bread occasionally…so other things shouldn’t be that hard, right? You just open a cook book follow recipes for cookies and muffins. Should be a complete piece of cake.

1 comment:

  1. Learning for a good cause! Sniff, sniff. Do I smell oatmeal raisin cookies next?
